1 / 3
meat sauce 2
Sketch 1

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(Choose an example!)

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Click the arrows to advance the slides.

Each slide will open the image within this window.

2 / 3
semantics 2
Sketch 2
3 / 3
Beowulf 2
Sketch 3


About Me
Classes Offered

Brandon Waltrip

Portfolio Summary:

Design 1.0
Design 1.1
Design 2.0
Design 2.1
Design 3.0
Design 3.1
Design 4.0
Design 4.1
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Design 1.0

This is the first of many examples of my work.

Design 1.0
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Design 1.1

This is the first of many examples of my work.

Design 1.1
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Design 2.0

This is the second of many examples of my work.

Design 2.0
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Design 2.1

This is the second of many examples of my work.

Design 2.1
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Design 3.0

This is the third of many examples of my work.

Design 3.0
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Design 3.1

This is the third of many examples of my work.

Design 3.1
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Design 4.0

This is the fourth of many examples of my work.

Design 4.0
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Design 4.1

This is the fourth of many examples of my work.

Design 4.1
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