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meat sauce 2
Sketch 1
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Each slide will open the image in a new window.

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semantics 2
Sketch 2
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Beowulf 2
Sketch 3

Brandon Waltrip


About Me
Classes Offered
What I offer:
  • Non-fiction writing from a small scale to a full-length book
  • Fiction writing from a small scale to a full-length novel
  • Website development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and WordPress
  • Computer repair and support
  • Language exchanges for English, Japanese and Spanish
  • Classical guitar lessons
  • Kazoo lessons
  • Freerunning lessons
  • Video game lessons
  • Swimming lessons
  • Writing lessons
  • Poetry lessons
  • Baseball lessons
  • Skateboarding lessons
For more information on costs, times offered and more:
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